Sending Batch Transaction (using telegram)

Step 1: Creating the Batch Transaction

After initializing the SDK, you can create an array of batch transactions using the BatchUserOperationCallData interface. This array represents the transactions you want to send. Here's an example:

import { BatchUserOperationCallData, UserOperationCallData, sendUserOp } from '@0xgasless/0xgasless-aa-sdk';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

// Replace with the contract address and ABI of the smart contract you want to interact with
const contractAddress = '0xContractAddress'; // Replace with the contract address
const contractABI = [
    // Define the ABI of the contract, including function definitions
    // Example: { "constant": false, "inputs": [...], "name": "functionName", "outputs": [...], "type": "function" }

// Create an instance of the contract
const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI);

// Specify the function you want to call and its parameters
const functionName = 'functionName'; // Replace with the name of the function you want to call
const functionParams = ['param1', 'param2']; // Replace with the function's parameters

// Encode the function call data
const functionInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(contractABI);
const data = functionInterface.encodeFunctionData(functionName, functionParams);

// Create a transaction object
const transaction1: UserOperationCallData = {
    target: '0xRecipientAddress', // Replace with the recipient's Ethereum address
    data: data, // Replace with the transaction data in hexadecimal format
    value: BigInt('1000000000000000000'), // Optional: Replace with the amount in wei (e.g., 1 ETH)

const transaction2: UserOperationCallData = {
    target: '0xRecipientAddress', // Replace with the recipient's Ethereum address
    data: data, // Replace with the transaction data in hexadecimal format

const transactions = [transaction1, transaction2]

In this code:

  • We import the UserOperationCallData interface to define the structure of the transaction object.

  • transactions is an object that contains the transactions with target (recipient's Ethereum address), data (transaction data in hexadecimal format), and an optional value field for the transaction amount in wei.

Step 2: Prepare UserOperation and Send OTP on User's Telegram

Now that you have the transactions array, to send userOp there are 2 steps.

  1. Prepare UserOp and send OTP on telegram to user:

First, call prepareUserOpBatchfunction on SDK with transactions as an argument to it. It will return with OTP sent status as success: true/false and requestId.

User will receive OTP on telegram which has to be sent in next step. Implement functionality to get the OTP from user as per your choice.

const { requestId, otpSent } = await sdk.prepareUserOpBatch(transactions);
  1. Send the Transaction using sendUserOp by passing requestId and OTP

try {
    const requestId = <requestId>;
    const otp = <otp>;
    const { userOpHash, transactionHash } = await client.sendUserOp(requestId, otp);
    console.log('UserOp Hash:', userOpHash);
    console.log('Transaction Hash:', txHash);
    console.log('Transaction sent successfully');
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Transaction failed:', error);

In this code:

  • sendUserOp takes 2 arguments: requestId and OTP.

  • The await client.sendUserOp(requestId, otp) call sends the requestId and OTP and returns an object containing both the userOpHash and transactionHash.

  • The userOpHash is the hash of the user operation, and transactionHash is the hash of the underlying transaction.

  • Both hashes are logged to the console for your reference.

With these steps, you can successfully send a transaction using Telegram and capture both the user operation hash and the transaction hash using the 0xGasless AA SDK.

Last updated